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1 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 4, 2012 2:46:55pm

Sullivan's BDS is in bloom again.

2 Locker  Tue, Sep 4, 2012 10:11:21pm

I'm not surprised this is how things went down. What else is a government gonna do? Close ranks. It's still fucked up that we tortured and I wouldn't cry if the person who authorized this crap had to pay for it.

Never gonna happen though.

3 thecommodore  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 11:09:58am

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Sullivan's BDS is in bloom again.

Seems more like a sensible response to torture/war crimes to me.

4 philosophus invidius  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 11:13:34am

I was going to upding except for this line:

He better not complain when an American soldier is captured and tortured to death.

That is uncool.

5 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 11:58:42am

re: #2 Locker

I'm not surprised this is how things went down. What else is a government gonna do? Close ranks. It's still fucked up that we tortured and I wouldn't cry if the person who authorized this crap had to pay for it.

Never gonna happen though.

It wouldn't in any case. Barack Obama has made pretty clear he sees keeping the tradition of a peaceful transition of power in America intact as more important and that going after the Bush Administration would have jeopardized that. Also, he may not have wanted to see the CIA demonized just as it was finally hitting its stride; if that is true the CIA repaid his faith in it by successfully locating Osama bin Laden.

So Obama made a choice, based on what he thought best. And in this matter I think he made the right one.

6 CarolJ  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 1:14:55pm

I've always have suspected that the way they handled things at Gitmo (missing or non existing documents, unrecorded interrogations) meant that evidence that could have overcome a jury's reluctance to convict just wasn't there. To convict someone who tortured a "terrorist" would have meant finding extremely compelling evidence that overcame that prejudice.

Rather than risk a case being thrown out for lack of evidence and even jury nullification, and creating a worse precedent, the Administration's lack of action leaves the possibility at some point that something could be done if further evidence surfaces. Murder has no statute of limitations in U.S. law, and international law can cover this for decades.

There were also political problems that would have complicated attempts to prosecute these cases. Where do you find a non-partisan jury or venue (Bush or Cheney?) Who would have supported Obama as he faced obstruction by both Blue Dogs and Republicans in getting anything else done?

Indeed, this is why it takes decades domestically, and International Tribunals to convict these sorts of crimes. The Pinochet regime is being tried now decades after the fact because those who were in power are no longer in power. Same thing with the Argentines. South Africa had a Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal instead of convictions to make sure everyone knew the truth and to diffuse hostility towards the transition in power. You need time for supporters to get out of power domestically. You need an international tribunal consisting of people who have nothing to lose politically win or lose.

Unfortunately, these folks hatred of Obama and the need to get revenge on Bush blinds them to those facts.

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